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Старый 09.02.2010, 03:31 (02:31)   #1
Аватар для ADDEN
Город: Киев
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI
Регистрация: 19.03.2007
Сообщений: 3,717
Поблагодарил(а): 2,830
Благодарностей: 10,312
Изображений в галерее: 297
Репутация: 17580

ADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN Аспирант
Восклицание [Официально] Мировая премьера нового Volkswagen Touareg и Touareg Hybrid

Комрады, рад сообщить Вам официальную информацию о время проведении презентации долгожданного второго поколения Touareg
Мировая премьера нового Volkswagen Touareg и Touareg Hybrid состоится в среду, 10 Февраля 2010 года, 21:15 - 22:00 UTC (10.15 - 11.00 PM CET)

Наше время:
Киев, Минск UTC +2 (23:15 - 00:00 10 февраля 2010)
Москва UTC +3 (0:15 - 01:00 11 февраля 2010)

Техническая информация трансляции для спутников

Частота передачи:

Satellite: AB1 – 12,5° West
Transponder: B6 – Ch 3 / 9 MHz ku slot
Downlink frequency: 11.161,710 MHz
Polarisation: vertical (Y)
Video standard: 625/PAL – 16:9 SD feed
Encoding: MPEG 4:2:0 Tandberg
SR 6.1113 msym/sec
FEC 3/4 clear key
Audio: Ch 1: Original event mix / Ch 2: English voice over

Повтор будет доступен на той же частоте в четверг, 11 февраля 2010 года, 06:00 - 06:45 UTC (07.00 - 07.45 AM CET).

Наше время:
Киев, Минск UTC +2 (08:15 - 09:00 11 февраля 2010)
Москва UTC +3 (09:15 - 10:00 11 февраля 2010)

Материал трансляции будет доступен без ограничений по авторским правам.

Место проведения презентации - Германия, Мюнхен, Wredestraße 10, Postpalast (http://www.postpalast.de/)

UPD1 Добавил фото (предоставлено на немецком клубе туарегов)


Тип файла: jpg treg.jpg (251.9 Кб, 194 просмотров)
Тип файла: jpg treg2.jpg (213.6 Кб, 112 просмотров)
Тип файла: jpg treg3.jpg (128.6 Кб, 152 просмотров)
Тип файла: jpg erol-sander-14914143-mfbq,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=349.jpg (31.5 Кб, 202 просмотров)
Тип файла: jpg nina-ruge-und-thomas-kretschmann-14914113-mfbh,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=349.jpg (19.1 Кб, 144 просмотров)
Тип файла: jpg print-anna-maria-muehe-undhannah-herzsprung-14914109-mfbq,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,.jpg (31.4 Кб, 131 просмотров)
Тип файла: jpg print-thomas-gottschalk-14914034-mfbq,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=349.jpg (26.1 Кб, 158 просмотров)
Тип файла: jpg vw-touareg-14914067-mfbq,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=349.jpg (33.4 Кб, 177 просмотров)
ADDEN вне форума   Вверх
$ilver (09.02.2010), 888 (12.02.2010), A1ieN (09.02.2010), Advocat (09.02.2010), Agu (09.02.2010), Aleks1970 (09.02.2010), AlexF (10.02.2010), AlexSur (09.02.2010), Alex_R (09.02.2010), Alex_S (11.02.2010), AMV (10.02.2010), Andreas (09.02.2010), Andronik (11.02.2010), ArsK (09.02.2010), ATN (11.02.2010), Atra (11.02.2010), aleks0771 (09.02.2010), alex dolgopa (09.02.2010), alex177 (10.02.2010), alexmav (09.02.2010), alextka (09.02.2010), ash (10.02.2010), autoruMAX (10.02.2010), a_subaru (10.02.2010), Boss73 (10.02.2010), bioforge (11.02.2010), bublik99 (10.02.2010), Corrado (10.02.2010), Crazy !ceman (09.02.2010), CrazyKOT (10.02.2010), comviq (10.02.2010), Danil (09.02.2010), Denchik (10.02.2010), DenoZavr (10.02.2010), Dizbalans (11.02.2010), Dodger (09.02.2010), Draiv-zx (21.02.2010), Driver (10.02.2010), DrugZverey (09.02.2010), Drunchik (11.02.2010), Dzoi (10.02.2010), dima_sh (09.02.2010), doc600 (10.02.2010), Ekat (11.02.2010), FINANSIST (09.02.2010), Fil78 (09.02.2010), Flor (11.02.2010), Fomil (10.02.2010), Freem (09.02.2010), Garry (09.02.2010), GoldenVobla (11.02.2010), Gorec (09.02.2010), GRe (10.02.2010), garik_sun (10.02.2010), gorynych (10.02.2010), Hantik (11.02.2010), IDan (09.02.2010), Ivanz (10.02.2010), i34rus (10.02.2010), iBear (09.02.2010), ignat (10.02.2010), Jefferson (11.02.2010), jimax (09.02.2010), Kants (11.02.2010), KBM (10.02.2010), krig (09.02.2010), krys (10.02.2010), Lang (09.02.2010), LtRom (09.02.2010), Lupercus (10.02.2010), lawer (09.02.2010), levs (10.02.2010), llibed (10.02.2010), M-BOSS (09.02.2010), MAXSPB (10.02.2010), MELAX (10.02.2010), maksim59 (09.02.2010), maxim71 (12.02.2010), mihal (10.02.2010), mikas_allroad (09.02.2010), mike78rus (12.03.2010), myshko (11.02.2010), Nik (09.02.2010), oZZy (09.02.2010), Partnerv (11.02.2010), Pashka (09.02.2010), Pavel36 (11.02.2010), Petroff_054 (10.02.2010), Piton (11.02.2010), pavvv (10.02.2010), Rembrant (09.02.2010), Ridik (11.02.2010), Rusich77 (11.02.2010), RustyTankard (09.02.2010), riu (10.02.2010), Sabath (09.02.2010), Sanchez (10.02.2010), Santreix (10.02.2010), Saruman (09.02.2010), Semafor (10.02.2010), Serge (09.02.2010), Sergio_B4 (10.02.2010), SevA (09.02.2010), SevenStreams (12.02.2010), Sheva (09.02.2010), SkandalisT (09.02.2010), Spocker (10.02.2010), Stealth12 (11.02.2010), Striper (10.02.2010), S_A_R_G_O_N (12.02.2010), sasa (09.02.2010), scorpio (10.02.2010), sengot (11.02.2010), slavkin (09.02.2010), snfrol (09.02.2010), stas34 (10.02.2010), svt22 (10.02.2010), Terma (09.02.2010), Trancer (10.02.2010), Valdemar (12.02.2010), Vartex (10.02.2010), VID (17.03.2010), Vitalik (10.02.2010), Volzhanin (09.02.2010), valer_jan (11.02.2010), vmkom96 (09.02.2010), Werkstatt (10.02.2010), Yran (09.02.2010), Yustas (11.02.2010), Александр Пермь (09.02.2010), Андрей18 (10.02.2010), Барзутка (09.02.2010), Барс (10.02.2010), Бурый (09.02.2010), Буцефал (09.02.2010), Бывалый (11.02.2010), Валерий 008 (10.02.2010), Виталий (Жуковский МО) (11.02.2010), Владимир Волга (11.02.2010), Вован-Рязанский (09.02.2010), ВЯЧЕСЛАВ 64 (10.02.2010), володя1% (11.02.2010), Гарик99 (09.02.2010), Ден3,2silver (09.02.2010), Дениска (17.02.2010), дальнобойщик (10.02.2010), Жексон (09.02.2010), Кокс (09.02.2010), Колян (09.02.2010), Константин68 (09.02.2010), Кострома (10.02.2010), карапуз (09.02.2010), квинт (11.02.2010), кульTURist (09.02.2010), Лектор (09.02.2010), Мария295 (15.02.2010), Михаил52 (11.02.2010), Наиль (11.02.2010), Олег555 (10.02.2010), оле (09.02.2010), Пал Толич (11.02.2010), птица олег (16.02.2010), Роман@V6_TDI (11.02.2010), рональд (09.02.2010), Сашыч (10.02.2010), Стрелок (09.02.2010), Туарегович (11.02.2010), Филимонов Ю Ю (12.02.2010), Эликсир (10.02.2010), _respekt (11.02.2010)
Старый 10.02.2010, 22:55 (21:55)   #101
Аватар для карапуз
Город: Киев
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI
Регистрация: 13.03.2008
Сообщений: 1,519
Поблагодарил(а): 1,056
Благодарностей: 1,385
Изображений в галерее: 362
Репутация: 3301

карапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курскарапуз Третий курс
По умолчанию

Оффтопик тема руль
карапуз вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 22:56 (22:56)   #102
Аватар для Nik
Город: Нижний Новгород
Touareg GP 2.5 R5TDI
Регистрация: 08.07.2008
Сообщений: 8,242
Поблагодарил(а): 4,120
Благодарностей: 4,821
Изображений в галерее: 70
Репутация: 9147

Nik отключил(а) отображение уровня репутации
По умолчанию

Эх плин, а где ручка АКПП родная, ту за которую держатся приятно?
Сделали обычную сюсалку
Как , всегда, доработаем .

Nik вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:01 (23:01)   #103

Причина: Оскорбление участников форума + оскорбления администрации через систему обратной связи. (Бан продлен)
Город: Москва
Регистрация: 06.07.2007
Сообщений: 5,140
Поблагодарил(а): 1,225
Благодарностей: 2,556
Изображений в галерее: 47
Репутация: 4769

macos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалаврmacos Бакалавр
По умолчанию

Меня вот децл смущает близко расположенный к рулю дефлектор системы кондиционирования/отопления (центральный левый). Будет дуть в нос летом, как не отворачивай его. Нынешний расположен подальше, его отвернул вправо, в сторону пассажира - и ездишь без напрягов лето.
macos вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:07 (23:07)   #104
Аватар для Nik
Город: Нижний Новгород
Touareg GP 2.5 R5TDI
Регистрация: 08.07.2008
Сообщений: 8,242
Поблагодарил(а): 4,120
Благодарностей: 4,821
Изображений в галерее: 70
Репутация: 9147

Nik отключил(а) отображение уровня репутации
По умолчанию

Меня вот децл смущает близко расположенный к рулю дефлектор системы кондиционирования/отопления (центральный левый). Будет дуть в нос летом, как не отворачивай его. Нынешний расположен подальше, его отвернул вправо, в сторону пассажира - и ездишь без напрягов лето.
Мне кажеться , что это еще фотошоп . Ждемс , а главное конечно надо смотреть живьем
Nik вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:07 (23:07)   #105
Аватар для Gorec
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI Individual
Регистрация: 07.02.2009
Сообщений: 563
Поблагодарил(а): 586
Благодарностей: 477
Изображений в галерее: 5
Репутация: 805

Gorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec Старшеклассник
По умолчанию

Еще обратил внимание что подлокотник разрезной
Gorec вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:08 (22:08)   #106
Аватар для AMV
Город: Москва
Touareg 2.5 R5TDI Kong
Регистрация: 28.07.2007
Сообщений: 1,572
Поблагодарил(а): 112
Благодарностей: 459
Репутация: 765

AMV СтаршеклассникAMV СтаршеклассникAMV СтаршеклассникAMV СтаршеклассникAMV СтаршеклассникAMV СтаршеклассникAMV Старшеклассник
По умолчанию

Друзья, а у кого-нить в МСК ловит спутник АВ1? У меня одна тарелка на hotbird, другая - на НТВ+ и что-то ресивер его не находит.
AMV вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:08 (23:08)   #107

Причина: 4.4.15, 4.4.31
Город: Нижний Новгород
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI
Регистрация: 20.09.2008
Сообщений: 3,089
Поблагодарил(а): 5,158
Благодарностей: 3,897
Репутация: 5605

Стрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок БакалаврСтрелок Бакалавр
По умолчанию

Gorec, как в ку7 либо от нее..
Стрелок вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:10 (23:10)   #108
Аватар для Gorec
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI Individual
Регистрация: 07.02.2009
Сообщений: 563
Поблагодарил(а): 586
Благодарностей: 477
Изображений в галерее: 5
Репутация: 805

Gorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec Старшеклассник
По умолчанию

Мне кажеться , что это еще фотошоп .
Што-то захотелось шоб было так как ты сказал
Gorec вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:11 (23:11)   #109
Аватар для KBM
Город: Краснодар
Touareg NF 3.0 V6TDI
Регистрация: 20.01.2008
Сообщений: 130
Поблагодарил(а): 161
Благодарностей: 61
Репутация: 111

KBM ПервоклашкаKBM Первоклашка
По умолчанию

Интересно, русифицируют ли РНС, а так машинка симпатичная.
KBM вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:11 (23:11)   #110
Аватар для Serega_29rus
Город: Архангельск
Touareg GP 2.5 R5TDI
Регистрация: 11.12.2007
Сообщений: 1,620
Поблагодарил(а): 23
Благодарностей: 361
Изображений в галерее: 19
Репутация: 590

Serega_29rus Ученик средних классовSerega_29rus Ученик средних классовSerega_29rus Ученик средних классовSerega_29rus Ученик средних классовSerega_29rus Ученик средних классовSerega_29rus Ученик средних классов
По умолчанию

самый лучшиймашин!!!! Мне очень понравился, особенно интересный салон!!!!!!
Serega_29rus вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:13 (23:13)   #111
Первый четырехкратный
Аватар для slavkin
Город: Город-Курорт АНАПА
Touareg NF 3.0 V6TDI Exclusive
Регистрация: 14.09.2008
Сообщений: 5,252
Поблагодарил(а): 2,573
Благодарностей: 6,436
Изображений в галерее: 23
Репутация: 8513

slavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистрslavkin Магистр
По умолчанию

AMV, В этой теме 55 пост,я написал-не получится.
slavkin вне форума   Вверх
AMV (10.02.2010)
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:14 (23:14)   #112
Аватар для Gorec
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI Individual
Регистрация: 07.02.2009
Сообщений: 563
Поблагодарил(а): 586
Благодарностей: 477
Изображений в галерее: 5
Репутация: 805

Gorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec СтаршеклассникGorec Старшеклассник
По умолчанию

Зато в верхний ящик для мелочевки теперь точно ноут вкрячить можно не стесняясь
Gorec вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:14 (23:14)   #113
Аватар для vasek
Город: Московская область город Руза
Touareg GP 2.5 R5TDI
Регистрация: 16.02.2008
Сообщений: 117
Поблагодарил(а): 2
Благодарностей: 2
Репутация: 2

vasek Младенец
По умолчанию

Эх плин, а где ручка АКПП родная, ту за которую держатся приятно?
Сделали обычную сюсалку
Мда, вот ручка как в самолёте меня тоже очень радует
vasek вне форума   Вверх
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:16 (22:16)   #114
Аватар для ADDEN
Город: Киев
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI
Регистрация: 19.03.2007
Сообщений: 3,717
Поблагодарил(а): 2,830
Благодарностей: 10,312
Изображений в галерее: 297
Репутация: 17580

ADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN АспирантADDEN Аспирант
По умолчанию [Премьера] Der neue Volkswagen Touareg 2010

Спешу представить ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ФОТО.
Комрады, поздравляю Вас Новым поколение Туарегов!

Пресс-релиз на английском + перевод

Оригинальная новость на немецком:
Информационный блок
Auf den Punkt: Weltpremiere:
Neuer Touareg führt SUV-Idee in die Zukunft
Touareg debütiert mit Hybridantrieb und Hightech-Motorenspektrum

Volkswagen SUV ist 208 Kilo leichter und 20 Prozent sparsamer
Wolfsburg/München, 10. Februar 2010 - Volkswagen enthüllt heute als Weltpremiere den komplett neu entwickelten Touareg und damit den technisch innovativsten „VW“ seit dem Bestehen der Marke. Dieser Touareg interpretiert die faszinierend vielseitige SUV-Idee – dank eines um fast 20 Prozent sparsameren Antriebsspektrums und einer großen Vielfalt neuer Assistenz- und Sicherheitssysteme – zeitgemäß neu. Als in Europa bislang einzigen SUV eines deutschen Herstellers wird es den Touareg zudem in einer Hybridversion geben. Mit einem Verbrauch von nur 8,2 Litern Kraftstoff setzt er unter den voll geländetauglichen SUV mit Benzinmotor Maßstäbe. Bis 50 km/h kann der Touareg Hybrid rein elektrisch und damit emissionsfrei gefahren werden. Seitens der Dieselaggregate markiert künftig der Touareg V6 TDI mit 7,4 Litern Durchschnittsverbrauch den Bestwert im Segment der echten Geländewagen. Beide Versionen, der Touareg Hybrid und V6 TDI, sind die sparsamsten Benzin- und Diesel-SUV der großen Klasse, die je in Europa gebaut wurden.

SUV der Neuzeit – leichter, aerodynamischer, sparsamer

Wie bereits mit dem weltweit erfolgreichen, kleineren Tiguan geschehen, setzt Volkswagen auch beim neuen Touareg konsequent auf Nachhaltigkeit. Erste Voraussetzung dafür: Das SUV wurde in der Grundversion 208 Kilo leichter! Ein Quantensprung. Gleichwohl ist die Karosserie nochmals fünf Prozent verwindungssteifer und damit führend im Wettbewerb. Zweite Voraussetzung: Die Designer realisierten einen deutlich besseren cw-Wert. Neben aerodynamischer Feinarbeit ist dafür die Tatsache verantwortlich, dass dieser Touareg niedriger baut als sein Vorgänger. Zusammen mit dem Frontdesign im Stile der neuen Volkswagen Design-DNA ergibt sich so eine kleinere Stirnfläche. Dritte Voraussetzung: Alle Motoren, serienmäßig via 8-Gang-Automatik – der ersten im Segment – geschaltet, zeigen gegenüber dem Vorgänger deutliche Verbrauchsvorteile; und zwar von zum Teil weit mehr als zwei Litern.

SUV für alle Wege – Allradantrieb in zwei Versionen

Ebenfalls im Hinblick auf die Verbrauchswerte modifiziert wurde der serienmäßige Allradantrieb. In der Grundversion („4Motion") verfügen alle Touareg der neuen Generation über einen Allradantrieb mit selbstsperrendem Torsenverteilergetriebe (4MOTION; Steigfähigkeit 31 Grad). Ähnlich wie der Tiguan Track & Field verfügt der Touareg zudem über ein „Offroad-Fahrprogramm", das via Knopfdruck das ABS, EDS und ASR auf den Geländeeinsatz abstimmt, den Bergabfahrassistent aktiviert und die Automatikschaltpunkte anpasst.

Optional kann der V6 TDI via „Terrain-Tech-Paket" statt mit Torsendifferential mit einem noch stärker für den Offroad-Einsatz ausgelegten Verteilergetriebe inklusive Untersetzungsstufe sowie einem jeweils bis zu 100 Prozent sperrendem Mitten- und Hinterachsdifferential geordert werden (4XMOTION; Steigfähigkeit 45 Grad). Diese Version besitzt analog zur ersten Touareg-Generation einen Drehschalter, über den der Fahrer den Wagen jetzt über fünf Stufen an den jeweiligen Einsatz anpasst: 1. „Onroad"; 2. „Offroad" (wie „Offroad-Fahrprogramm" plus automatische Ansteuerung der mechanischen Sperren); 3. Low (wie „Offroad" plus Aktivierung der Untersetzung, Anhebung der Schaltpunkte, kein automatisches Hochschalten im manuellen Modus); 4. Zusätzliche Sperrung des Mittendifferentials; 5. Zusätzliche Sperrung des Heckdifferentials. So gerüstet, bewältigt der Touareg jedes Terrain dieser Erde.

SUV des Alltags – mehr Raum, mehr Innovationen

Volkswagen hat den neuen Touareg nicht nur leichter, sparsamer und somit agiler gemacht, sondern zu einem noch besseren Allrounder. Der neue Innenraum wurde funktioneller, die Sitze komfortabler und die Beinfreiheit im Fond größer. Die Rücksitzbank kann ab sofort um 160 Millimeter in der Länge verstellt werden, die Lehne zudem in der Neigung. Auf Wunsch per elektrischem Tastendruck entriegelt, ist sie in Sekunden umgeklappt und gibt 1.642 Liter Kofferraumvolumen frei. Serienmäßig ist schon in der Grundversion ein Radio-CD- und Info-System an Bord, das intuitiv via 6,5 Zoll großem Touchscreen gesteuert wird.

Die Parkbremse wird jetzt auf Knopfdruck aktiviert. Automatisch stellt sich der Motor (V6-Versionen) an Ampeln ab und startet erneut, sobald der Fahrer die Fuß-Bremse löst (Start-Stop-System). Optional öffnet und schließt die Heckklappe per im Schlüssel integrierter Funkfernbedienung. Das größte Panorama-Schiebedach aller SUV sorgt auch an trüben Tagen für Licht. Das innovative Area View erkennt mittels vier Kameras das Umfeld des Touareg und schafft damit zusätzliche Sicherheit. Schutz bieten zudem bis zu neun Airbags. Lane Assist sorgt dafür, nicht vom rechten Weg abzukommen; Side Assist warnt derweil bei einem Spurwechsel vor von hinten herannahenden Fahrzeugen. Die automatische Distanzregelung ACC mit dem integrierten Front Assist bremst zur Not bis zum Stillstand und strafft vorsichtshalber die Gurte. Bi-Xenonscheinwerfer mit Dynamic Light Assist sehen den Gegenverkehr und regeln das Fernlicht ohne zu blenden und der adaptive Wankausgleich sorgt dafür, dass der Touareg souverän auf der Straße liegt. Darüber hinaus wird es für den Touareg erstmals Ausstattungselemente unter dem noch neuen Label „Exclusive" von Volkswagen Individual geben. Zu den optional bestellbaren Features zählen dabei 19-Zoll-Leichtmetallfelgen (Typ „Girona"), Dekoreinlagen aus Edelholz („Olivesche") und eine Lederausstattung („Nappa") in den Zweifarbenkombinationen „Dark Burgundy / Titanschwarz" oder „Pepperbeige / Titanschwarz".

Touareg – das Beste aus zwei Welten

Rund 500.000 Autofahrer entschieden sich für die erste Generation des SUV. Ein Oberklasse-Geländewagen, der hohen Komfort, sportliche Fahreigenschaften, avantgardistisches Design, exzellente Qualität und uneingeschränkte Expeditionstauglichkeit – sprich: das Beste aus der Pkw- und Offroad-Welt – in einem Konzept vereinte. Jetzt folgt mit dem neuen Touareg ein hochklassiger Allrounder, der diese beiden Welten noch perfekter miteinander verbindet. Bereits im April wird der Touareg beim Händler stehen.

TDI, TSI, DSG und Twincharger sind eingetragene Markenzeichen der Volkswagen AG oder anderer Unternehmen der Volkswagen Gruppe in Deutschland und weiteren Ländern.
Ausstattungsangaben und technische Daten gelten für das in Deutschland angebotene Modellprogramm. Für andere Länder können sich Abweichungen ergeben.

Все пресс релизы по новому Туарегу (на английском)

Информационный блок
To the Point: World Premiere:
New Touareg takes the SUV idea into the future
Touareg debuts with hybrid drive and high-tech range of engines

Volkswagen SUV is 208 kilograms lighter and 20 percent more fuel efficient
Wolfsburg/Munich, 10 February 2010 - Volkswagen is unveiling the completely redeveloped Touareg as a world premiere. It is the most technically innovative “VW” since the brand has been in existence. This Touareg is reinterpreting the fascinating multipurpose SUV idea in a contemporary way – thanks to a range of engines that are nearly 20 percent more fuel efficient and a large variety of new assistance and safety systems. The Touareg will also be the first and only off-roader in Europe by a German car maker to be available in a hybrid version too. It sets standards among fully off-road capable SUVs with petrol engines that have a fuel consumption value of just 8.2 litres fuel per 100 kilometres. The Touareg Hybrid can be driven up to 50 km/h in purely electric mode - emissions-free. Among the diesel engines, the Touareg V6 TDI with 7.4 litre combined fuel consumption now posts the best value in the segment of genuine SUVs. Both versions, the Touareg Hybrid and V6 TDI, are the most fuel efficient petrol and diesel SUVs ever built in Europe in this large vehicle class.

New era SUV – lighter, more aerodynamic and fuel efficient

As has already been accomplished on the globally successful, smaller Tiguan, Volkswagen is systematically striving for sustainability on the new Touareg too. The first precondition was met: The SUV was lightened by 208 kilograms in the base version! A quantum leap. Yet, the body has five percent greater torsional rigidity, which makes it the leader in its competitive class. A second precondition was met as well: Designers attained a significantly improved Cd value. Along with aerodynamic refinement efforts, another factor at work here is that this Touareg is built lower to the ground than the previous model. Together with front end styling based on the new Volkswagen design DNA, this results in a smaller frontal area. The third precondition: All engines, now offered with a standard 8-speed automatic transmission – a first in this market segment – demonstrate significant fuel economy advantages over the previous model; in some cases the advantage is far greater than two litres per 100 kilometres.

SUV for all trails – All-wheel drive in two versions

Also modified in pursuit of reduced fuel consumption was the standard all-wheel drive. In the base version ("4Motion"), all new generation Touaregs have all-wheel drive with Torsen limited-slip differential (4MOTION; climbing ability: 31 degrees). Like the Tiguan Track & Field, the Touareg also has an "Off-road driving programme", which - at the press of a button - tunes the ABS, EDS and ASR for off-road duty, activates Hill Descent Assist and adjusts the automatic gearshift points.

Instead of a Torsen differential, the V6 TDI can be ordered with an optional "Terrain Tech Packet" that has an even more rugged transfer case designed for off-road duty. It includes reduction gearing and centre and rear differentials, each with up to 100 percent locking (4XMOTION; climbing ability: 45 degrees). Similar to the first Touareg generation, this version also has a rotary switch the driver now uses to adapt the car to specific duty conditions over five levels: 1. "On-Road"; 2. "Off-Road" (like "Off-road driving programme" plus automatic control of the mechanical locks); 3. Low (like "Off-road" plus activation of reduced gearing, higher shift points, no automatic upshift in manual mode); 4. Addition of centre differential lock; 5. Addition of rear differential lock. Equipped like this, the Touareg can conquer any terrain on Earth.

SUV for everyday driving – more space, more innovations

Volkswagen has not only made the new Touareg lighter, more fuel efficient and an agile performer; it has also made it into an even more versatile, all-round vehicle. The new interior was made more functional, the seats more comfortable and leg room in the rear is larger. Now the rear bench seat has 160 millimetres in longitudinal adjustment, and the backrest angle can be adjusted. Electrically unlatched at the press of a button as an option, it folds down in seconds and frees up 1,642 litres of cargo space. Already standard equipment in the base version is a radio-CD and info system, which is intuitively controlled over a 6.5-inch touch-screen.

The parking brake is now activated by pushbutton. The engine (V6 versions) automatically shuts off at traffic lights and restarts as soon as the driver releases the brake pedal (Stop-Start system). As an option, the tailgate can be opened and closed by a RF remote control unit integrated in the car key. The largest panoramic sunroof of all SUVs provides for light even on overcast days. The innovative "Area View" utilises four cameras to detect the Touareg’s surroundings and this enhances safety. Also offering protection are up to nine airbags. Lane Assist ensures that the vehicle does not stray from the right path; meanwhile, Side Assist warns of vehicles approaching from the rear when changing lanes. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with integrated Front Assist can brake to a stop in an emergency and tension the seatbelts as a precautionary measure. Bi-Xenon headlights with Dynamic Light Assist perceive oncoming traffic and adjust the light beam to eliminate unwanted glare, and adaptive roll compensation ensures that the Touareg sits solidly on the street. For the first time, there will be special features on the new Touareg under the new "Exclusive" badge from Volkswagen Individual. Options that can be ordered include 19-inch alloy wheels ("Girona" type), fine wood inserts ("Olive Ash") and a leather interior ("Nappa") in the two-colour combinations "Dark Burgundy / Titan Black" or "Pepper Beige / Titan Black".

Touareg – the best of two worlds

About 500,000 car drivers chose to buy the first generation of the SUV. It is a luxury sport utility vehicle that offers a high level of comfort, sporty driving properties, avant-garde styling, excellent quality and unlimited expedition capabilities – essentially the best of the passenger car and off-road worlds unified in one concept. This is now being followed up by the new Touareg – a high-end and versatile all-round vehicle that brings these two worlds together even more perfectly. The Touareg will already be available at dealers in April.

Информационный блок
World Premiere of the New Touareg - Drive Concepts
FSI / TDI / TSI / Hybrid:
New hybrid petrol engine, new V8 TDI, extremely fuel-efficient V6 TDI

Touareg Hybrid with V6 petrol engine replaces V8 petrol in many countries
V8 TDI outputs 800 Newton-meter torque; V6 TDI has 7.4 litre fuel consumption
Wolfsburg/Munich, 10 February 2010

The new Touareg is the first Volkswagen and SUV from Europe that will be available in a Hybrid version. With its combined fuel consumption of just 8.2 l/100 km the Touareg Hybrid sets new standards among full-fledged SUVs with petrol engines. Naturally, its CO2 emissions are low too: 193 g/km. The hybrid drive as the top powertrain option combines the power of a classic eight cylinder engine with the fuel economy of a six or four cylinder engine. It replaces the previous V8 petrol engines in Europe and America and carries on Volkswagen’s successful downsizing strategy. Consequently, the V10 TDI and W12 engine versions of the previous model are no longer being offered either.

Key components of the Touareg Hybrid powertrain - equipped with a high-voltage battery - are its supercharged V6 TSI (petrol direct injection engine with 245 kW / 333 PS), 8-speed automatic transmission - ideally suited for hybrid and towing duty - and the hybrid module that is integrated between the internal combustion engine and the automatic transmission. This compact module with disengagement clutch weighs 55 kilograms. Located downstream of the V6 TSI, it integrates the disengagement clutch and E-Motor (34 kW / 47 PS) in one housing. When the V6 TSI and E-Motor work simultaneously (boosting), a total power of up to 279 kW / 380 PS is generated with a maximum torque of 580 Newton-meter as measured on the dynamometer.

Volkswagen has chosen a parallel hybrid drive configuration for the Touareg. In contrast to other potential hybrid systems, it assures excellent off-road performance and unlimited continuous climbing ability. With a maximum trailer payload of up to 3.5 tonnes, the Touareg is also an ideal towing vehicle, even in the hybrid version. Moreover, the parallel hybrid is more efficient than alternative hybrid concepts on long-distance and freeway journeys. The Touareg Hybrid attains a maximum speed of 240 km/h and accelerates to 100 km/h in just 6.5 seconds.

Compared to a conventional SUV of the same size and power, the hybrid concept delivers over 25 percent fuel savings in city driving. In combined mode driving – a mix of city, highway and freeway drives – development engineers calculate an average savings of 17 percent. Essentially, four parameters were exploited to achieve this fuel efficiency on the Touareg Hybrid:

E-Motor: Electric, emission-free driving (up to 50 km/h) reduces petrol consumption. In this case, the V6 TSI is not only shut off, but is also disengaged from the 8-speed automatic by a disengagement clutch to avoid drag torque losses.

Coasting: As soon as the driver releases the accelerator pedal, the V6 TSI is disengaged from the transmission. This is even possible at higher speeds (up to 160 km/h), i.e. on the freeway as well. The Touareg "rolls" significantly longer, since drag torque losses are eliminated. When drivers adopt an anticipatory style of driving, this has a direct and positive impact on fuel economy.

Regenerative Braking: During braking, the E-Motor - now operating as a generator – recovers kinetic energy, which is then stored in the high-voltage battery (NiMH battery).

Stop-Start System: The Stop-Start system integrated in the powertrain improves fuel economy, especially in urban areas and stop-and-go traffic.

Efficient Trio – V6 FSI, V6 TDI and V8 TDI

Fuel economy and emission values are also significantly improved on the conventionally powered Touareg versions. Consider the V6 FSI, a direct injection petrol engine with 206 kW / 280 PS: At 9.9 l/100 km, the 3.6-litre engine with 360 Newton-meter torque now consumes an incredible 2.5 litres (!) less than the previous engine version. This combined fuel consumption is equivalent to CO2 emissions of 236 g/km. And that is precisely 60 g/km less than before.

The diesel engines were made more fuel efficient as well. An advanced version of the successful V6 TDI that still outputs 176 kW / 240 PS (European version) is being offered right at market launch; it offers entry into the world of the Touareg; the 550 Newton-meter strong turbo-diesel consumes a ground-breaking low 7.4 l/100 km (analogous to 195 g/km CO2), which is 1.9 litres less than before. CO2 emissions are reduced by 49 g/km compared to the previous Touareg V6 TDI and by a respectable 24 g/km compared to the previous version with BlueMotion Technology that already had very good values.

Entirely new to the Touareg programme is a V8 TDI with 4.2 litre displacement and 250 kW / 340 PS. Considering its power and fabulous maximum torque of 800 Newton-meter, the combined fuel consumption of 9.1 l/100 km (equivalent to 239 g/km CO2) is extremely good. This TDI is not offered in the USA. In some cases, the engine range will be country-specific in terms of the diesel and petrol engines offered.

Информационный блок
World Premiere of the New Touareg - Body Concept
Design & Dimensions:
New Volkswagen “Design DNA” shows vision in styling

Touareg grew longer, lower, more spacious and distinctly more dynamic
In terms of engineering, 10 percent lower weight is a quantum leap
Wolfsburg/Munich, 10 February 2010

The new Touareg clearly shows gains in the dynamic performance of its engines and running gear as well as in its looks. The latter is of course attributable to the vehicle’s new styling. In parallel, its special ratio of dimensions scores too. Background: At 4.80 meters, the new Touareg was extended by 4.3 centimetres but is now exactly 2.0 centimetres lower at 1.71 meters. Analogous to the length, the wheelbase has grown to 2.90 meters (gain of 4.0 centimetres). The width of the Touareg remained constant at 1.93 meters. With the exception of the Porsche Cayenne, no other SUV in this class is lower. And that generates a very unique dynamic of proportions.

The goal of the designers, led by Volkswagen Head of Design Klaus Bischoff, was to give the Touareg an even more elegant image based on the new Volkswagen "design DNA". And that applies as much to the now horizontal lines of the front end with its distinctive headlights as it does to the typical Touareg rear image and its unmistakable night look of its rear lights, and a leaner, more athletic car body. This has produced an SUV that shows timeless styling that is visually sustainable. It makes a qualitative statement and a strong appearance, all while conveying an image of understated elegance and style.

Technical highlights of the car body

Although the Touareg is now more than 200 kilograms lighter, with a static rigidity of 24,800 Nm/º (five percent gain) it is the most technically advanced body in its segment. Comfort and crash behaviour benefit equally from this. Illustrating just how thoroughly the Touareg team approached design of the body-in-white is the new panoramic glass sunroof: At a size of 990 x 1,452 millimetres, the sliding/vent sunroof practically fills the entire roof area. Normally, such a large opening – a full 350 percent larger than a normal sunroof – would be expected to have a negative impact on rigidity values. But this is definitely not the case on the Touareg thanks to its fundamental rigidity and reinforcing subframe. Even at a (theoretical) speed of 260 km/h, it is still possible to close the sunroof, and it would not generate any wind noise even at 300 km/h.

Another new design feature in the Touareg is the optional (standard on the Touareg Hybrid and V8 TDI) electrically opening and closing tailgate. Not only can it be operated from inside the vehicle and outside at the tailgate; now it can also be actuated by RF remote control. Obstruction detection ensures the safety of this feature. In addition, the Touareg is the first in its vehicle class to utilise what is referred to as multiple insulating layers to isolate noise; it weighs much less than conventional insulating materials yet is more effective.

Информационный блок
World Premiere of the New Touareg - Interior Concept
Design & Innovations:
Visual masterpiece with practical advantages

Touareg has much more space and longitudinal adjustment of rear bench
Cockpit bridges gap between luxury class and SUV demands
Wolfsburg/Munich, 10 February 2010

The interior of the new Touareg reflects absolute perfection in the details. The basic layout brings together a remarkable clarity of lines, timeless elegance, high level of functionality and superior material quality. Generating special appeal is the interplay between SUV-typical ruggedness and the ambiance of a luxury vehicle. Another high priority on this Volkswagen was to makes its controls intuitive right from the start.

In the Touareg, the driver takes a seat in an SUV that is distinguished by well-coordinated and systematic ergonomics. This type of uncompromising excellence in user controls and seating, as well as ideally tuned human-machine interfaces, is a Volkswagen quality that has contributed to the brand’s international success. In the new Touareg – with its complex range of features – it was a special challenge to implement the same intuitive control logic as in a Polo or a Golf. The results speak for themselves.

Cockpit without compromises

Set up in front of the driver is a clearly laid out and high-end cockpit. All key information is displayed within the driver’s visual field in the precisely organised instrument cluster. Another new development – placed between the four round instruments for the speedometer, tachometer, engine temperature and fuel gage – is a seven-inch multi-functional colour display with a 15:9 aspect ratio. It is standard equipment on the Touareg Hybrid and with the V8 engines. The premium version of the display enables several viewing modes without overloading the driver with information. Rather the driver can have specific information shown or hidden by making selections from self-explanatory and colour-coded context menus ("Navigation", "Media", "Telephone", "Vehicle", "Assistance"). In the Touareg Hybrid, the colour display also indicates the drivetrain’s energy flow. The V6 FSI and V6 TDI versions of the Touareg are equipped with a five-inch display that is also new.

The classic, round analogue instruments also exhibit a high level of value and precision. They have electroplated chrome bezels and illuminated red pointers. The dials are backlit by white LEDs and have a three-dimensional look. These upgrades and special anti-reflective glass instrument covers are reminiscent of the round instruments on fine chronographs.

Centre console with clean styling and ideal ergonomics

A completely updated generation of audio/navigation systems was developed for the Touareg. Standard equipment here is the "RCD 550" radio-CD system with 6.5 inch touch-screen and integrated 6-disc CD changer. As an option, this infotainment module can be upgraded to the "RNS 850" navigation system with an 8-inch touch-screen; its other features include 3D map representation (building view and topographic view via "Digital Terrain Model"), a 40 Gigabyte hard drive (20 Gigabyte memory for music, movies, etc.), DVD player, speech activation and in European versions digital radio reception (DAB). Naturally, the system can also be expanded to include a Bluetooth interface for telephones, a Media Device Interface for MP3 players including iPod/iPhone, TV and a Dynaudio sound system.

Besides intuitive control by touch-screen menuing, the "RCD 550" and "RNS 850" offer a context-based control bar along the lower screen border. Eight keys are located here ("Radio", "Media", "Nav", "Traffic", "Phone", "Climate", "Car" and "Setup") for switching between the basic menus as well as two rotary knobs. All key functions can be accessed using these two levels – touch-screen and control bar. This includes all energy flow and consumption data on the Hybrid version.

Directly under the infotainment unit - optimally visible and logically organised - are the basic controls for the draft-free two-zone climate control system (optional four zones including rear depending on the model). The gearshift grip for the 8-speed automatic is also positioned perfectly for the hand. Behind it, toward the two-part centre armrest, are the rugged and technically styled rotary switches for controlling the running gear and all-wheel modes. Integrated next to the gearshift lever are keys for the Stop-Start function and the electric parking brake.

Perfected driver and front passenger seating

The front and rear seats of the Touareg have been fully redesigned, and they offer significantly improved comfort on long journeys. Along with basic seats, Volkswagen will offer optional comfort front seats on the SUV (standard on Touareg Hybrid and V8 TDI) as well as sport seats. All adjustments on the comfort and sport seats are electrically powered. Included on these seats is a new pneumatic air cushion in the side supports of the backrests. Also standard with these seats: head restraints (front) with both height and longitudinal adjustment. They can be fitted closer to the head, reducing the risk of whiplash injury in the event of an accident. Comfort seats will also have a climate control function (ventilation of seat and backrest surfaces).

New rear seating system and more space in rear

Despite the reduced vehicle height, head room was improved in both the front and rear. Leg room on the rear bench seat also grew significantly, since it was the interior that benefited from the 40 millimetre longer wheelbase. The results: leg room grew from 68 millimetres to 104 millimetres. And this gain is quite noticeable.

In addition, the Touareg’s interior now exhibits a variability that equals the qualities of a large estate car. The reasons: First, the rear bench has 160 millimetres of longitudinal travel, and its backrests can be adjusted to three levels of tilt. As an option, the 40:60 split bench can also be conveniently unlatched electrically via a button in the cargo area or from the side of the driver’s seat. In the maximum case, the Touareg’s cargo capacity ranges from 580 to 1,642 litres depending on positioning and adjustment of the rear bench seat.

Информационный блок
World Premiere of the New Touareg - Assistance/Convenience Systems
Active & Passive Safety:
The new Touareg monitors its surroundings

New and further advanced assistance systems offer peace of mind
New ACC with Pre-Crash function and Area View to perceive surroundings
Wolfsburg/Munich, 10 February 2010

The new Touareg offers an extraordinarily large range of highly advanced technologies. Many of them are entirely new, while others were intensively upgraded. The parking brake is now activated by pushbutton. The camera-based Area View detects the Touareg’s surroundings, providing an extra measure of safety. Lane Assist ensures that the vehicle does not stray from the right path; meanwhile, Side Assist warns of vehicles approaching from the rear when changing lanes. Adaptive cruise control (ACC) can brake the vehicle to a stop in an emergency; in parallel, the seatbelts are tensioned. Bi-Xenon headlights with Dynamic Light Assist "see" oncoming traffic and adjust the high beam lights to eliminate unwanted glare. Adaptive roll compensation - a feature of the further advanced air suspension - ensures that the Touareg impressively tracks through curves like a sports car. An overview of the assistance systems:

* Area View is a surroundings monitoring system being introduced for the first time at Volkswagen. Via four cameras (in the tailgate, outside mirrors and radiator grille) Area View transfers images all of the Touareg’s surroundings to the central touch-screen in the centre console. In off-road driving, for example, Area View uses front and side cameras to acquire images immediately in front of and next to the vehicle, and this is extremely helpful on extreme trails. Thanks to the "Trailer View" mode, a trailer’s movements can also be displayed as a function of the steering input.

* Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) - The latest generation of this system with Stop-and-Go function (automatic driving / braking in stop-and-go traffic), automatic emergency braking as well as sensor-controlled Pre-Crash function (tensioning of driver and front passenger seatbelts by electric motor in anticipation of potentially hazardous situations). ACC will be offered as a component of a new driver assistance package. In this case, systems like the new Area View are also on board.

* Bi-Xenon headlights with dynamic headlight range control. Dynamic headlight range control, a camera-based system, detects oncoming traffic as well as vehicles in front of the Touareg and adjusts the light pattern so that it does not produce any glare for other vehicles (area of the headlight is masked), yet it gives the driver the best possible illumination of the roadway.

* Electric parking brake. This parking brake is actuated by the press of a button. It releases automatically when starting to drive again.

* Air suspension with adaptive roll compensation in a further developed version. The 4-corner air suspension assures maximum comfort with minimal rolling motion of the bodywork.

* Lane Assist is also camera-based. If there is a risk that the car will leave the lane without activating the turn signal, the system warns the driver by vibrating the steering wheel.

* Side Assist. Radar sensors at the rear of the vehicle warn the driver of vehicles approaching from the rear when changing lanes.

Информационный блок
World Premiere of the New Touareg - Features
V6 FSI / V6 TDI / V8 TDI / Hybrid:
Even base version has a touch-screen and high-tech features

V6 FSI and V6 TDI considerably better equipped than previous model
Hybrid and V8 TDI dazzle with full array of standard features
Wolfsburg/Munich, 10 February 2010

Even the Touareg V6 FSI and V6 TDI have a set of standard features that goes beyond the average. Factory installed equipment that is always aboard include electrically folding and adjustable wing mirrors, rain sensor, load sill guard in trim colour, multi-function leather-trimmed steering wheel plus cruise control, centre armrests, front and rear, four 12-Volt appliance plugs, alternative RF remote actuation of electric window lifts, automatically opening cargo cover, automatic climate control (individually adjustable, left and right), modular rear seating system, multi-function display, "RCD 550" radio system with touch-screen control and integrated 6-disc CD changer, speed-dependent Servotronic, 17-inch alloy wheels ("Sonora" with seven spokes) with size 235 tyres, Stop/Start system and regenerative braking as well as ambient lighting for the door handles.

When it comes to safety, the following features are added: electronic stabilisation programme (ESP), trailer stabilisation, Hill Start and Hill Descent Assist, an effective network of airbags, front fog lights including static cornering lights, daytime running lights, adaptive brake lights (automatic hazard flasher at full braking), automatic door locking when vehicle is in motion (deactivatable), self-dimming rear-view mirror and illuminated entry at all doors (including tailgate).

Standard features of the Touareg Hybrid and V8 TDI

The two new top versions, the Touareg Hybrid and Touareg V8 TDI, have even more exclusive exterior and interior features. Consider the exterior: Standard features here include a chrome pack (side window frames, lower cooling air inlet, load sill guard, tread plate, door sill trim and exhaust pipe ends), Bi-Xenon headlights with dynamic cornering lights, LED daytime running lights, Coming Home and Leaving Home lighting feature, self-dimming outside mirror on the driver’s side, electrically opening and closing cargo area tailgate as well as the "Keyless Access" locking and engine starting system. The Touareg Hybrid and V8 TDI also leave the factory on 18-inch alloy wheels and size 255 tyres. On the V8 TDI, "Tacora" type wheels (ten spokes) are used, and the Hybrid has customised "Yukon" wheels with five sets of dual spokes. Visually, the Hybrid can also be recognised by its Hybrid logos on the chrome side trim at the front and rear and on the interior trim of the centre console.

Moreover, the interior of the Touareg Hybrid and V8 TDI is customised by details such as leather upholstery ("Cricket" pattern) with comfort seats, including electric 12-way seat adjustment in front, pedal caps in stainless steel look, footwell illumination, multi-function display with large colour display, storage compartments under the front seats, decorative inserts in the fine wood "Walnut Root" and tread plates with stainless steel accents. Last but not least, an anti-theft warning system is included. So this vehicle is genuinely "fully equipped"!

Репу зажали?

Видео mp4 (3 ролика) http://dl.touareg-club.net/data/2010...ouareg2_01.zip

Фотографии высокого качества (10 шт.) http://dl.touareg-club.net/data/2010...ouareg2_01.zip
Тип файла: jpg t7.jpg (218.8 Кб, 28 просмотров)

Последний раз редактировалось AMV; 10.02.2010 в 23:57.
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Старый 10.02.2010, 23:17 (23:17)   #115

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Интересно, русифицируют ли РНС, а так машинка симпатичная.
А судя по фотке там вообще не РНС стоит...
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Старый 10.02.2010, 23:18 (22:18)   #116
Аватар для ash
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ash Младенец
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наконец-то фольц аудировали:) мне всегда хотелось по-приятней салончик
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Старый 10.02.2010, 23:19 (23:19)   #117

Причина: 4.4.15, 4.4.31
Город: Нижний Новгород
Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI
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ADDEN, еще раз по Человечьи, не сомневалсо что тур будет зачетным!
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Старый 10.02.2010, 23:21 (22:21)   #118
Аватар для ADDEN
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Touareg GP 3.0 V6TDI
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Ну вот! Теперь есть 100% официальные фотки http://www.touareg-club.net/forum/sh...ad.php?t=20709
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Advocat (11.02.2010), Aleks1970 (10.02.2010), Fomil (10.02.2010), Vartex (11.02.2010)
Старый 10.02.2010, 23:21 (23:21)   #119

Причина: Переблокировка. Нарушение правил форума. Пункты - 4.4.1, 4.4.3, 4.4.4, 4.4.17, 4.4.21, 4.4.13 + пп 3.4 Мультирегистрация (хулиган) (06.03.10 добавлена учетная запись unsaint) +  Purple_puppy
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commercial Заблуждающийся
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блин а на этих фотках он пацанский такой
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Старый 10.02.2010, 23:22 (23:22)   #120

Причина: Оскорбление участников форума + оскорбления администрации через систему обратной связи. (Бан продлен)
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По мне машина приятна с любого ракурса, а салон так ваще ппц
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